Public Offerta
Service provision by Electronic Payment System
The following terms and conditions are the conditions of Public offerta contract of Service provision by Electronic Payment System “Easy Pay” between the operator of Easy Pay Electronic payment system /hereafter also System’s operator/ and physical person and/or individual entrepreneurs /hereafter also Customer and/or User/, whishing to receive these services by given conditions.
The Offerta of Service use can be submitted online or at the System’s Operator branches by filling out an application in the form prescribed by the Operator or by another way prescribed by the Operator.
Upon registration the Customer in the Electronic Payment System “Easy Pay”, hereafter EPS “Easy Pay”, and upon activation of an account for the Customer, the Offerta considers to be accepted
/approved / by the Operator and Customer, and beginning from this moment, the Offerta together with the General Conditions, Rules and Tariffs of Service provision, form the contract signed between the Operator and The Customer, which is mandatory for performance /Contract/.
Accepting conditions of Offerta, the Customer confirms that has fully read and unconditionally accepts the General Conditions of the given Contract, the Rules and Tariffs of Service Use, the current versions of which are available on the official website of the Operator and/or branches of the Operator.
The Main Concepts Used in the Contract
Online payment tool, as well as, equipment and program complex, |
Electronic Payment |
which are the property of System’s Operator or belong him by the |
lease rights, and which are used in the Internet environment for |
System “Easy Pay”, |
1.1. |
making online transactions and through which the System’s operator |
hereafter |
ensures the provision of services for the Customer. |
“Easy Pay” |
Having “Easy Wallet” and an appropriate advance in the EPS “Easy |
Pay”, the User gets an opportunity to commit to the System’s |
1 |
Operator to purchase goods or services by the User’s name. The |
System’s Operator makes payments from the prepaid account of the |
User and from his name. |
“Easy Pay” payment accounting limited liability company, |
1.2. |
System’s Operator |
information on which is available on the internet site |
| The website provides also detailed information on |
"Easy Pay” EPS and conditions on its usage. |
A virtual recording account carried out by the Operator, used for |
acquisition of Electronic Money by the Customer, as well as for the |
1.3. |
“Easy Wallet” |
recoding of transactions made by Electronic Money. The positive |
balance of the account expresses the size of the operator's liability to |
the Customer. |
A Physical person or an individual entrepreneur, who due to the |
Contract signed with the Issuer and according to the system rules, gets |
1.4. |
Customer or User |
the right of using services and/or purchasing goods provided by the |
System, and for this purpose can also use the electronic money |
acquired by him due to the rules and conditions prescribed by the |
Issuer. |
The legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the official website, |
1.5. |
Service Provider |
who sells goods, performs works, provides services, carries out other |
civil and legal transactions and for the Easy Pay EPS Users. |
Each Physical Person, individual entrepreneur, legal entity who does |
1.6. |
Third Person |
not consider to be the Customer/User of ‘Easy Pay” EPS, but who can |
be in any civil legal relations with the Customer. |
The losses are the expenses of the person/Customer, the System’s |
1.7. |
Loss |
Operator or the Third Persons, whose rights are violated, and which |
he/she has to do in order to recover his /her violated rights, unearned |
income, as well as |
2 |
have received under ordinary civil conditions, if his/her rights had not |
been violated. |
1.8. |
The rules of usage |
The rules contained in the Given Contract and on the website of |
“Easy Pay” EPS |
“Easy Pay” EPS. |
The payment of money prescribed by the Contract, which the Operator |
Replenished |
pays to the System’s Operator and for which the System’s Operator |
account or |
replenishes the Customer’s “Easy Wallet” registration account. The |
1.9. |
prepayment. |
replenishment is made by 1 currency, i.e. for the one AMD, the |
registration account of the User is being replenished by one |
point/AMD. |
“Easy |
Wallet” |
Points consider to the means of Internet payment within the frames of |
1.10. |
points |
“Easy Pay” EPS; 1 /one/ Easy Wallet” point is equal to 1/one/ AMD. |
The combination of numbers and letters created by the User, which is |
1.11. |
Password |
used as an identification method of the User and allows to enter the |
“Esay Pay” EPS and use the data in “Easy Pay” EPS. |
The sequence of four numbers, which the EPS “Easy Pay” uses as an |
1.12. |
Pin |
identification method for the User and allows him/her to enter the |
“Esay Pay” EPS and use the data in “Easy Pay” EPS, in case when the |
Customer himself/herself does not personally leave the system. |
Easy Starter Customer |
The customer, whose identity has not been specified by the Operator. |
1.13. |
Types of Customers |
Easy Standard Customer |
The customer, whose identity has been specified by the Operator, |
through the procedure specified by the Operator. |
1.14. |
Tariffs |
Tariffs set by the Operator. based on which fees are charged from the |
Customer for the provided Services. |
3 |
1.15. |
Official Website |
The official website of the Operator in the Internet. |
The bank in the Republic of Armenia, foreign bank branches or the |
organizations having the license of money /cash/ transefers, which have |
1.16. |
Financial Agent |
signed the contract with th Operator in order to carry out some |
functions ordered by the Operator /e.g. account replenishment, cash |
payment, etc/. |
1.17. |
Mobile |
phone |
The GSM number provided by the mobile operator, if the Customer |
number |
uses his/her mobile phone number as the identifier of the account. |
The application developped on the bases of Android or iOS, througt |
1.18. |
Mobile application |
which it is possible to manage the account, use the services, as well as |
exchange the information between the Customer and the Opeartor /as |
well as electronic notifications/. |
1. Services
1.1.The operator provides services in accordance with the current rates, and the Customer uses the services according to the current legislation, system rules and conditions of the Contract.
1.2.Types of Services;
1.1.1.Account opening
1.1.2.Service of the current account.
1.1.3.Account replenishment.
1.1.4.Electronic money conversion/redemption.
1.1.5.Incoming and outgoing transfers. 1.1.6.Payments to service providers.
1.1.7.Providing information on the account balance and transactions.
1.1.8.Other services introduced on the website.
1.2.The types of services, methods of delivery, the functions, and terms are posted on the public part of the official website and are introduced on the branches of the Operator.
2.Account Management, Transactions Made by the Account
2.1. The Customer can have only one working registration and consequently one working “Easy Wallet” in the System, if something other is not determined by the Operator. If the Operator discovers that for the same person there had been opened more than one accounts at the system, than, the Operator can immediately terminate any or all of the relevant contracts after notification.
2.2.In order to identify the Customer in the electronic way and to allow the management of the Easy Wallet, the Customer may be provided with the numbers, codes, passwords /pin/ or other requisites.
2.3.The account is managed through the mobile application or by the other technical
“Easy Wallet”.
2.5.In spite of the fact of providing requisites and their usage by the Customer, the Customer gets the status of the Easy Standard Customer only through the realization of the function prescribed by the Operator in order to identify the Customer.
2.6.Transactions by cash with the Customer the Operator carries out through its branches. By payment terminals, by the help of Financial Agents, as well as by other means, which are not prohibited by law.
2.7.In order to realize any transaction at the branches of the Operator or through Financial agents, it may be required a document confirming identity from the person carrying out the transaction, in case of failure to present it, the transaction may be refused. The requirements of this paragraph are also applicable to the customers Easy Standard.
2.8.The Operator has a right to require from the client who has the status of Easy Standard but is not of an adult age stated by the legislation of Republic of Armenia, to confirms his/her operations by his/her legal representative, if there not sufficient bases to consider the Customer fully capable.
2.9.The Operator releases Easy Wallet units and enters them the Customer’s Easy Wallet by
the cash or
2.10.The period of validity of Easy Wallet units released by the Operator is not limited, with the exception of cases stated by the paragraph 3.4 of the Contract.
2.11.All cash payments are rounded down; to the minimum nominal value of coins in circulation in the Republic of Armenia.
2.12.Transfer, payment or repayment performance of a client's order is made only if the
‘Easy Wallet” balance is sufficient for complete realization of the Customer’s order, taking into account and the Operator’s remuneration. Otherwise, the performance of these transactions is rejected. The performance of transactions can be rejected by the Operator, if;
2.12.1. As a result of their performance are violated a legislation or the conditions stated by the Operator (as well as are being violated the Operator’s or the Third Person’s rights or legal interests).
2.12.2. Their performance is not possible for the reasons, which don’t depend from the Operator.
2.12.3. In other cases stated by law or the Contract.
2.13.The Customer, can give the Service Providers the right to make a charge without an acceptance in the order stated by the Operator, and in this case the requirements of the charge without an acceptance will be subject to execution in the same way, as they would otherwise be executed getting the relevant instructions from the Customer.
2.14.The sum of money accrued to the Customer’s account due to the Operator’s /Financial Agent/ mistake /as well as the exceeding sum/, without an acceptance may be drawn back by the Operator from the Customer’s account; notifying the Customer. If the account balance is not sufficient to take the whole money, transferred by mistake, the Operator not late than within 30 calendar days of the mistake, introduces to the Customer the demand about returning the difference, and the Customer must return the appropriate sum of money within 15 /fifteen/ calendar days.
2.15.The Customer must be diligent, and agree to return the money sent /paid/ to his account by chance by the Third Persons. with the exception of cases when such kind of Third Persons have monetary obligation towards the Customer or such obligation will arise in case of returning money.
2.16.The money mistakenly paid/sent by the Customer to another Customer or Service
Provider, may be returned only by that another Customer’s or Service Provider’s agreement.
2.17.The order of the Customer about making transfer or payment to another Customer or Service Provider, considers being performed by the Operator, when adequate funds are debited from
the “Easy Wallet” of the Customer making transfer/payment and credited to the “Easy Wallet” of the Customer of Service Provider receiving it.
2.18.The order of the Customer about making transfer to the accounts serviced by other financial organizations and/or clients, not in online variant, considers being performed by the Operator
from the moment, when the adequate funds are debited from the “Easy Wallet” of the Customer making transfer, exchanged by the Operator and debited from the bank Account of the Operator, with all the necessary details about the order, for making a transfer to another Organization.
2.19. In case of the Contract termination the Operator repays the positive balance of the “Easy Wallet” or transfers it to another Customer’s “Easy Wallet” with the request of the Customer and using the adequate prices, terms and conditions.
2.20.In case of absence of any other agreement between the Operator and the Customer, the Operator gets remuneration from the Customer due to the tariffs; levying it from the “Easy Wallet” of the Customer without acceptance procedure.
2.21. All transactions made by “Easy Wallet” are shown in the History section of the mobile application, and in specified cases a message about them is being sent to the
2.22.The availability and performance of the Services are set at 24/7 and all transactions are performed through the Online Service Usage Rule.
3.Rights and Obligations of the Parties
3.1.The Customer has a right;
3.1.1.Use the Services due to the Contract conditions.
3.1.2.Get information about offered Services, their tariffs and other conditions.
3.1.3.Get information about all the transactions made through Account.
3.1.4.Require from the Operator to redeem or otherwise dispose his/her ‘Easy Wallet”
balance any time due to the order stated by the Contract.
3.2.The Customer is Obliged
3.2.1.To provide the Operator with accurate information and valid documents / original copies /, as well as immediately to inform the Operator about changes made in this information.
3.2.2.To use the Services personally and exclusively for lawful purposes. The
Customer is responsible for providing information about his/her “Easy Wallet” to Third persons, and consequently for transactions made by Third persons by his/her “Easy Wallet” units.
3.2.3.To abstain from the usage of the Operator’s official website or other means for “Easy Wallet” management in any way, not stated by the Contract.
3.2.4.Periodically check the information included in the Personal Information section of the mobile application site,Immediately inform the Operator about all the inconsistencies and unusual circumstances, especially about the absence or error of any message or order in the mobile application.
3.2.5.To provide the confidentiality of “Easy Wallet” requisites’ management /passwords,
3.2.6.Immediately, through Hotline services or personally visiting the Operator’s branch,
inform the Operator about the mobile phone number changes, which is used to manage the “Easy Wallet”, as well as about its loss or any other case, when it comes out of possession of the Customer.
3.3.The Operator has a right;
3.3.1.Reject any transaction and suspend all Services or any part of them in case of discovering any mistake, violation or fraud, as well as n cases when the Operator is not sure
about the legality of the transaction or about the unauthorized use of the “Easy Wallet”.
3.3.2.To block the “Easy Wallet” management requisites (in a number of which identifiers) and/or request from the Customer to change them, in case of the Operator has any doubt about the protection of requisites from unauthorized use and/or there is a reasonable opinion or there is a reliable document that it /they/ belongs to another person.
3.3.3.By own discretion to offer the Easy Starter Customer to perform the stated functions for receiving the status of the Easy Standard Customer.
3.3.4.To suspend all the Services or a part of them till the realization of the function mentioned in 4.3.2. article and terminate the Contract, if this function is not performed within 5 /five/ days.
3.3.5.If as a result of the Customer’s activities a harm is caused to the Operator, the Third
Person or the state, the Operator, within 1 /one/ month from discovery of such activities, can reject the Customer’s order or request to perform any redemption, transfer or payment from the account and can suspend the Services, if it is necessary for the protection of rights and legal interests of the Operator, Customer, Third persons or the state.
3.3.6.To stop the Service provision` beginning from the date of notification of the Customer about the Contract termination.
3.3.7.Technical Equipment գ et, develop and maintain information about the technical means used to manage the work of the ՞ Easy Wallet”software application,
3.3.8.Due to the changes in legislation or because of technical need to change the
requirements and other terms introduced to the “Easy Wallet” representatives, notifying about it to the Customer in advance.
3.4. The Operator is Obliged;
3.4.1.Օbliged to state the proper processing of the User’s; identification, according to the RA Law “About Money Laundry and Combating Terrorism Financing” or due to the process of
identification through payment card (credit card) released by trade banks, with the exception of payment cards released by trade banks of high risk countries stated by Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
3.4.2.Exert the necessary measures in order to ensure the access of Service use and the proper quality of the Services within the frameworks of present technical opportunities.
3.4.3.To provide the Customer with the information about transactions performed by “Easy Wallet” as well as about the “Easy Wallet” balance.
3.4.4.If the User makes the prepayment by banking transfer, but the data mentioned in
transfer document does not coincide with the System Operator’s data, the Operator is obliged to re- transfer the sum of money by requisites mentioned in these documents.
3.4.5. To take measures for the confidentiality of information shared by “Easy Pay” EPS, as well as for its protection from unauthorized use and/or its disclosure by Third persons.
3.4.6.In case of disputes to provide a sealed reference by the User’s request about
transaction performed by the User through “Easy Pay” EPS, and about the actual payment made by “Easy Pay” EPS for goods and/or services.
3.4.7.To inform the User about arising, changing and eliminating of that circumstances, which are essential for the implementation of a given Contract; especially publish the tariffs on the official website and regularly update the list of services, publish the system rules, etc.
3.4.8.Investigate and solve the complaints submitted by customers within 10/ten/ working days due to order specified by internal procedures of the Operator..
3.4.9.To implement other Contract provided obligations which are introduced on the
System Operator’s website.
4. Responsibility
4.1.1.In case of “Easy Wallet” management requisites loss, as well as if there is any doubt,
that they have become known to third parties, the Customer is obliged immediately to inform the Operator about it by the Order stated by the Operator. Before blocking or change of requisites the Customer bears the risk of adverse effects of its unauthorized use, as well as is responsible for losses caused to Operator.
4.1.2.The Operator is not responsible for checking the nature and legitimacy of relationships between the Customer and Third persons, as well as, Service providers.
4.1.3.If anything other is not stated, the Operator has no responsibility for Service
providers’ obligations and can not ensure the compliance of their services with the law requirements or their descriptions, the quality, quantity, service provision terms and other conditions. Accordingly, the operator does not accept any complaints about correction of possible violations of the service providers or claims to refund payments.
4.1.4.Each party is responsible for actual losses caused to the other party during the Contract execution. The parties decline and keep away from the claims of indirect losses, as well
as claims of compensation of missed profits. The size of Operator’s responsibility, in any case, can not exceed the size of the account balance in the moment of occurrence of circumstances that served as a basis for liability. The Operator is not responsible for errors, failures, delinquent acts occurred not by his fault, as well as for any result caused by suspension or termination of Services, stated by the Contract / as well as during works of the System’s technical service/.
4.1.5.The Customer personally bears all the risks, which may occur as a result of not following the advice and instructions, as well as of violation the rules stated by the Operator.
5. Confidentiality, Information Maintenance
5.1.The Parties ensure the information protection exchanged between each other within the Contract frames.
5.2.The Operator ensures the confidentiality of the Customer’s personal data, transactions made by an Account, Account balance and other information. The information may be disclosed by the Operator exceptionally in those cases and to that extent, that is required by the law, or is necessary for Service provision, for the legal of
Operator’s violated rights /as well as judicial defense/. In all other cases, such information may be disclosed only with the consent or
order of the Customer. The Operator has a right to reveal the details of transaction and personal data of the person making payment to a person receiving the payment.
5.3.The information, received by another means, without violating the confidentiality requirements, is not considered confidential for the Contract purposes.
5.4.The information and documents concerned to the transactions
performed by “Easy Wallet” the Operator keeps for, at least, 5 /five/ years beginning from the moment of the Contract termination based on the principle of reasonableness. The Operator can restrict the limitation period of information reflected on the mobile application's personal informationin the Sector. After Contract termination the information about transactions made by “Easy Wallet’ is not saved on the Personal information sector.
5.5.In case of mobile phone is used for the management opportunity of
“Easy Wallet”, for the fact of expressing such will, it is considered that the Customer had authorized the Operator to contact with the appropriate mobile center or other persons in order to get a conformation that the given mobile phone number is provided to the Customer, as well as inform in case of phone number disconnection, changes, provision to other persons, as well as in case of Service Contract termination. In case of the third person informs about the fact of suspension or termination of mobile phone number by the Customer, the Operator is eligible but not obliged to prohibit the opportunity of “Easy Wallet” management by mobile phone. The Operator has a right to request written proof from the Customer about the fact that the mobile number is provided to him.
5.6.The Customer bears all the risks of negative effects in case of provision inaccurate information to the Operator.
6. Notifications
6.1.Unless otherwise is specified by the Contract, all the notifications within the frames of the Contract are made on electronic way through mobile application.
6.2.Exceptionally for the Customer’s convenience, the Operator, in provided cases, can send the copies of notifications and messages about them to the
6.3.Coming from technical peculiarities the Operator can not guarantee the acceptance of the messages sent to an
6.4.If, in any case, there is no possibility to make a notification by mobile application, the Customer has to contact with the Operator by Hotline service or by visiting the Operator’s branch.
7. Force Majeure
The parties are released from responsibility for failure to perform their obligations fully or partially, or in case of delay of fulfilling them, if it is a result of insurmountable situations/circumstances, including fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disaster, war, armed attack, explosion, mass unrest, adoption of act by state organ, disruption of highway infrastructure, power reduction, or other event beyond the control of failed Party.
8. The Current Legislation
The Contract is regulated and interpreted due to the substantive provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
9. The Language of the Contract
The Contract is concluded in Armenian. The Contract, as well as used tariffs and rules may be translated and published and in other languages for the convenience of the Customer. But in case
of any noncompliance between translations and the Armenian variant, the Armenian variant is taken into account.
10.The Submission and Monitoring Procedure of the Complaints 10.1.1. The Customer is obliged to check transactions performed by “Easy Wallet” during each calendar month and in case of finding any noncompliance, to notify the Operator about it, within 45 /forty five/ days after the end of the relevant calendar month. If during the stated period the Customer does not notify the Operator about any noncompliance, then all the transactions performed by “Easy Wallet” during the relevant calendar month, consider to be unconditionally accepted and approved by the Customer, and the Operator will not accept any further claims and objections regarding that calendar month. case of having any complaints or suggestions, the Customer can apply to the Operator by submitting letters, also by e mail, by
visiting the Operator’s branch or by the Operator’s hotline service. According to the rules stated by him, the Operator accepts internal procedures for conducting complaints and suggestions, which are being posted at branches and on the Operator’s website. The operator is obliged to respond to complaints and proposals received the terms and procedures established by him/her and following the requirements of the legislation. To the written complaints of the Customer the answer should be given in a written form.
11. Settlement of Disputes
11.1.The parties shall seek to resolve aroused disputes kindly, through negotiations and consultations.
11.2..In case of absence of a mutual agreement to resolve the dispute, it is resolved according to the order stated by the legislation of Republic of Armenia.
12.Contract Terms’ Changes
12.1.The operator can by own discretion unilaterally change the terms of the Contract, making a Public note about it on the Website and notifying the Customer at least 3 (three) days before, mentioning the date, when the changes will enter into force.
12.2.If the Customer doesn’t agree with these changes, he/she solves the Contract, immediately notifying about it to the Operator,
12.3. In case of performing transactions by Account after changes, the changes considered to be unconditionally accepted by the Customer.
12.4..Period of validity, termination of the Contract.
12.5..Unless otherwise is stated, the Contract considers to be concluded by an indefinite period. Party can unilaterally terminate the Contract, at least 10 days before notifying about it. In case of violation of the terms of the Contract by the other Party the notification is being sent to the other Party, immediately. The Contract may be terminated in other cases stated by the Contract.. The “Easy Standard” Customer can terminate the Contract only
through submission of the usual written notification.
13. The Requisites of the Parties